Nicholas County West Virginia Litigation Attorney

People in southern West Virginia are honest and hard working. But there are people in our communities that do not share those values. Dishonest construction contractors. Dishonest customers. Salespeople acting in bad faith. People that do not follow the terms of a contract are a fact of life. Nicholas County Attorney Anthony Selbe shares the values of West Virginians. A promise means something. Anthony guides homeowners, business owners, borrowers, and consumers through court against bad actors.

Construction Disputes

Breach of Contract

Construction contractor hanging drywall.
Two people shaking hands.

Construction requires hard work and skill. It also involves both parties to a contract following an agreement. Summersville Attorney Anthony Selbe works to protect anyone involved in a contract regarding construction who has held up their end of the bargain. Whether one party is prohibiting the other from completing the contract, or trying to haggle over fees that have already been agreed to, Anthony Selbe guides his clients through litigation with open communication, keeping an eye on the big picture.

Growing up in Summersville, Attorney Selbe learned that words matter. Promises matter. Trust matters. You do what you say your going to do. When someone fails to do that, people go to Court. Attorney Selbe guides his clients through contract disputes to enforce the promises they relied on and bring them peace.